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This War of Mine: The Little Ones Heading to PS4 and Xbox One

This War of Mine: The Little Ones Heading to PS4 and Xbox One

Developer 11 bit Studios and Deep Silver have announced that This War of Mine: The Little Ones coming to PS4 and Xbox One on January 29th 2016.

This War of Mine: The Little Ones explores the hardships of wartime survival as seen from an entirely new perspective; that of a child. Based on This War of Mine, The Little Ones focuses not only on the reality of enduring war, but also the fact that even in conflict, kids are still kids – they laugh, cry, play with toys and see the world differently. In addition to thinking about survival, you’ll have to bring back the kid in yourself to understand how to protect the little ones. The question is: how far will you go to make it through another day?

Here is the gameplay video:

Related: This War of Mine Update 1.4 New Beginning Video

Source: 11bitstudios

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