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Titanfall CTF and Matchmaking Update for Xbox One and PC

Developer Respawn Entertainment released an update featuring Titanfall CTF and Matchmaking for Xbox One and PC.

First up is CTF, or Capture The Flag. This option has been removed due to lack of activity.

The reality is that less than 1% of the player base was even trying to play CTF, let alone actually able to get in to a game. With that few players attempting to connect, our matchmaking would just sit there, spinning forever, waiting to find a game to play.

Titanfall CTF and Matchmaking Update for Xbox One and PC

Next up is Matchmaking, or “what lets you find other players to play against in a multiplayer game.”

Respawn believes that once a player is connected to a server in a Microsoft data center, he or she is about to start matchmaking.

Once you choose to play either Campaign or a Playlist (like Attrition or Hardpoint Domination) your lobby server sends a bunch of information to our back-end matchmaking service that keeps everything running, which we call Stryder (because its quick… get it?). Your server sends Stryder things like your data center location, what game mode you’re searching for, and something that we don’t actually show you – your skill. This is different than your level, as anyone can level up by playing – even weaker players can hit complete multiple gens with enough patience. Based on skill rating, we essentially put all players into various skill bins on a bell curve. One interesting thing we’ve learned is that median player skill tends to be similar regardless of Gen level. Stryder uses these three pieces of information (game mode, skill, and data center) amongst others, to try and find the best possible game for you.

Today, Stryder is tracking 75% of games having less than a 30% score differential and 15% of games with less than a 5% differential (that’s a difference of a few pilots or squads of grunts in Attrition).

You can read up on the full update details here. What are your thoughts about the removal of CTF?

Related: Titanfall Expedition DLC TV Commercial

Source: Titanfall

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