Gaming Cypher

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Trials Fusion Gets New Xbox One Screenshots

Ubisoft has posted three new screens for Red Lynx’s Trials Fusion on Xbox Live.

Here is what the developer had to say about Trials Fusion:

“Welcome to the next generation of Trials! With its glimmering vision of what our future holds were technology and nature to co-exist, combined with today’s most exciting and popular motorsport, Trials Fusion has retained and enhanced the essential features from its best-selling, critically acclaimed predecessors, Trials Evolution and Trials HD. A magnificent fusion of the proven, no-frills Trials formula based on ultra-addictive competition with the cutting edge of graphics and social networking.”

You can view the new Trials Fusion screenshots below:

You can also watch the Ubisoft’s E3 2013 Trials Fusion trailer for Xbox One and PS4.

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