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TRIFOX Indie Slick Top-Down Twin-Stick Action Adventure Heading to PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Spring 2020

Kortrijk, Belgium — Developer Glowfish Interactive and publisher Cronos Interactive have announced their new title, Trifox. Inspired by classic 3D platformers and action adventure games, Trifox combines the gameplay from these genres into a new foxy adventure to restore your plundered home. The game is slated for release in the Spring of 2020 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Trifox is a top-down twin stick action adventure game set in a unique and colorful world. Players take on the role of a multi talented fox on a quest to restore their destroyed home. They can choose between three different classes: Engineer, Mage or Warrior. Each class offers a variety of options to overcome the challenges ahead. On top of that, players can freely combine the abilities from these classes to create a loadout that suits them. They’ll need these abilities to defeat dangerous enemies, traverse multiple environments and chase down the mysterious source of the evil that plagues the world.

TRIFOX Indie Slick Top-Down Twin-Stick Action Adventure Heading to PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Spring 2020

Trifox Key Features

  • Mix and match between different gameplay archetypes and play the way YOU want
  • Combine and experiment with a wide range of abilities and engage in thrilling fast-paced combat
  • Explore a rich and colorful world where fantasy meets technology with a wink and a nod to the classic platformer adventure games from the past
  • Interact with the environment and outsmart your enemies
  • Uncover the secret plans of an evil mastermind as you try to restore your ravaged home

For more information, follow @CronosInteractv and @GlowfishInt on Twitter, or visit

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