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Tune-In Tomorrow for ANTHEM Developer Livestream Featuring First Look at Javelin Customization + The Forge

Tune-In Tomorrow for ANTHEM Developer Livestream Featuring First Look at Javelin Customization + The Forge

Tomorrow, BioWare will be hosting an all-new Twitch livestream for a first look at javelin customization in the highly anticipated cooperative action-RPG, Anthem. The approximately 30 minute-long livestream begins at 1:00 PM PT/4:00 PM ET and will include Anthem developers discussing in detail how players can use the Forge to customize their Javelin exosuit.

  • WHAT: Anthem livestream featuring a first look at javelin customization and the Forge
  • WHEN: Thursday, November 14 beginning at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM ET
  • WHERE:

Anthem launches February 22, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Early Access begins on February 15 for Origin Access and EA Access members.

Fans who wish to learn more about Anthem can visit the official website,as well as get the latest news and updates on Twitter and Facebook.

Related: ANTHEM 20-Minute Gameplay Demo

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