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Unrest – RPG Set in Ancient India Now on Kickstarter, Trailer

Pyrodactyl Games has placed its unconventional RPG set in ancient India, ‘Unrest’ on Kickstarter.

Unrest is a story driven RPG set in ancient India in the midst of an uprising. Play as ordinary men and women struggling for safety, freedom, food for their children, and a chance at peace.

The key features of the game are:

  • Explore the drought and famine stricken streets of an ancient Indian city, where a fog of hunger and discontent shrouds the natural beauty of the land
  • Use the detailed conversation system to instill fear, command respect and gain the trust and friendship of others. Understand your enemies and make them see your side of the story
  • The narrative adapts to failure and death – instead of a game over screen, the plot continues and your fate becomes part of it. However, you can still save and load at any time if you want to
  • Make tough and interesting decisions in the lives of people untouched by destiny. The traditional hero’s quest of prophecy, power, and revenge forms a backdrop to your own struggles
  • Combat is brutal, decisive…and always avoidable. Bloodshed might be the easy way out in some situations, but has lasting consequences beyond those apparent on the surface
  • Hand drawn 2D art and soundtrack based on ancient Indian music to help you immerse yourself in the world
  • Full mod support lets you create your own worlds and adventures
  • Unrest will be available DRM-Free on multiple digital stores, without any DLC or micro-transactions. We promise

You can view the trailer below:

The developer is seeking $3,000 on Kickstarter, of which 24 backers have funded $461 with 29 more days to go.

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