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VALNIR ROK Viking Survival Online RPG Launching on Steam Sept. 26

VALNIR ROK Viking Survival Online RPG Launching on Steam Sept. 26

Take Part in a Viking Saga Filled with Savage Beasts, Fierce Rival Warrior Clans, and High Adventure

COLOGNE, GERMANY – Independent game developer Encurio GmbH announced that Valnir Rok, an epic online Viking role-playing adventure, will be launching into Steam Early Access on September 26. Set on a mystical Nordic island, players will discover the harsh, dangerous life of a Viking clansman where vicious beasts roam, forgotten gods lay waiting, and great warrior clans can be joined or conquered. Learn the skills to survive, discover recipes and formulas to create new weapons and gear, and build a thriving village to increase clan strength and notoriety.

Valnir Rok is an online sandbox, roleplaying game inspired by Norse mythology. Players will awaken to find themselves on Valnir Island and must do whatever it takes to survive in a land of wild animals, mythical beasts, and violent men. As a hardened Viking warrior, butcher your enemies in bloody combat, build and improve village structures, and form a clan to expand your power and reputation. Battle against opposing clans, place bounties on hated enemies, and discover ruin artifacts to gain favor with the gods with great deeds and holy sacrifices. Might makes right in the Viking world of Valnir Rok.

Check Out the Valnir Rok Announcement Trailer:

Valnir Rok will be launching into Steam Early Access on September 26, 2017.

Related: VALNIR ROK Viking Survival Online RPG Announced for gamescom

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