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Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown SEGA Cup 2013 Results, Full Stream

The Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown SEGA Cup 2013 results are in, and you read and see them all.

The Sega Blog reports that they had 95 competitors representing 6 countries and 17 US states, and it turned out to be a phenomenal day of high-end Virtua Fighter competition.

The top storyline was definitely the progress of the American players. With Final Showdown in their hands for nearly a year now, they made significant strides against the International competition.

“Leading the charge was Gentleman Thief, an up-and-coming player from Florida. After losing to Itabashi Zangief in pool play and going into the loser’s bracket, he won his way into the top 16 bracket. He continued to advance by winning game after game, and eventually had his revenge against Itabashi in the Loser’s finals. In the end, Fuudo was too much for him, but overall, it was an amazing performance by Gentleman Thief.”

Here are the results:

  1. $3,000: Fuudo
  2. $2,000: Gentleman Thief
  3. $1,600: Itabashi Zangief
  4. $1,400: Chofu KK Sarah
  5. $1,100: XxRodnutzxX
  6. $1,100: Tricky
  7. $900: Renzo
  8. $900: Rocket
  9. $600: LA Akira
  10. $600: Myke623
  11. $600: AyuFanboy
  12. $600: Denkai
  13. $400: AdamYuuki
  14. $400: BLACKSTAR
  15. $400: Chief Flash
  16. $400: myth_boy6

In case you missed it, you can read about how Sega’s Justin Wong trained for this fun tournament.

You can watch the full stream here.

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