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Vortex Attack World Championship Series Has Begun

Vortex Attack World Championship Series Has Begun

Developer Kaleido Games has announced that the Vortex Attack World Championship Series has begun.

Vortex Attack is an arcade coin-op frantic shooter with regular online tournaments and is based on the addictive old coin-ops that have eaten so many of our quarters. It started small but it has become a full grown arcade game with its own dedicated cabinet . It all feels very retro, but modern. The developer has spent a very long time tweaking everything, and promises that it’s a lot of fun now.

Vortex Attack, after all, is more or less a spin-off Galaga with a lot of extras that modern technology allows us to implement today.

Vortex Attack World Championship Series Has Begun

Prizes and sponsors:

This first series has already 9 sponsors* giving over 19 prizes distributed in 3 winners:

Best player:

Second and third best players:

 Best Spanish player – Special category:

  • Retro Maniac (Spanish Retro Magazine). Magazine #10. – Only will be delivered to the top Spanish player to Spain. It’s compatible with being the global top player.


This championship has 4 stages: one per month and ends in December.
  • Stage 1 : 15th Sept – 6th October
  • Stage 2 : 8h October – 29th October
  • Stage 3 : 10th November – 30th November
  • Stage 4 : 5th December – 31th December

You can find a lot more information in the official blog.

Here is the official trailer:

You can download on Steam or Green Man Gaming for only 5 bucks.

Related: Vortex Attack Heading to Steam May 27

Source: Press Release

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