Gaming Cypher

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Wii U Party Update


During this morning’s Nintendo Direct, Mr. Iwata featured Wii U Party.

First mini game featured was Water Runners, where a stream of water is displayed on the Wii U Gamepad. Players compete against each other by quickly scooping water from the steam by using the Wii U remote controllers as ladles, and then carrying them to a pitcher displayed on the TV without spilling them.

Another game featured was Dance with Mii that will have everyone dancing. Players stand in a circle holding the remote controllers as they move their hands up and down while rotating around the Gamepad in time to the music.

For now, a Wii U Horizontal Stand is included with the packaged game. The Stand helps two players play together on the Gamepad in games such as Tabletop Baseball and Tabletop Foosball.

Wii U Party launches October 25.

Are you looking forward to playing?

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