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World 1-1 New Kickstarter Documentary Series on History of Video Games

Daryl Rodriguez and Jeanette Garcia have begun a Kickstarter campaign for World 1-1, a documentary series on the history of video games.

The first chapter will focus on Atari and how they created a new industry. It focuses on the business deals, the personalities of the pioneers, and the creations of the engineers. This documentary will be a combination of interviews, archival footage, and reflection that retells the story to a new generation that may not know the roots of their favorite hobby.

The following are confirmed interviews for the documentary:

Nolan Bushnell – co-founder of Atari

David Crane – co-founder of Activision

Warren Robinett – creator of Adventure, one of the world’s first RPGs

Dona Bailey – co-creator of Centipede, one of the first games to attract a large female audience

Dave Shepperd – creator of Night Driver, one of the first racing games ever

Garry Kitchen – programmer for Atari 2600’s Donkey Kong

Those who want to tell you the story as well:

Colin Moriarty – IGN Editor

Peer Schneider – Senior Vice President of Content & Publisher at IGN

Patrick Scott Patterson – Video Game Media Personality

Rick Medina – Owner of Arcade Odyssey


Here is the World 1-1 trailer:

The script is complete and developers have confirmed most of the interviewees. The project is in the later stages of pre-production and will be ready to go into full production as soon as the finances come in. The estimated release date is Fall 2014.

You can go to Kickstarter to find out more details about this great project, and tell your friends. You can also check out their Facebook page and give them a Like.

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