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WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY New Screenshots Revealed

WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY New Screenshots Revealed

SQUARE ENIX has revealed new screenshots for WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system.

WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY combines classic RPG gameplay mechanics with a fresh and imaginative toy-like visuals. As a brand-new title in the FINAL FANTASY franchise, this game can be enjoyed by both fans and newcomers to the series. Players will lead a pair of twins through varied FINAL FANTASY worlds and encounter the adorably familiar monsters therein. Capture and raise such familiar beasts as cactuar, tonberry, and behemoth to discover alternate forms and learn new abilities.

Here are the new WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY screenshots:

WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY will arrive on October 25 for the PlayStation 4 system and the PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system. Limited quantities of the Collector’s Edition are available exclusively through the Square Enix Online Store.

Related: WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY Exclusive Content Available for the PlayStation Store

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