Gaming Cypher

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WORLDS ADRIFT Coming to a Close

Bossa Studios has announced that Worlds Adrift will be coming to a close. They will be continuing as a developer and publisher of games. To provide a special experience in the game’s final months, all the cosmetic items in the in-game shop will be given out to every player. Additionally, Worlds Adrift Founder Captains will receive a free copy of Surgeon Simulator and I Am Bread as a thanks for joining this journey, and to give a glimpse into the kinds of experiences they’re looking to create going forward. Founder Captains’ names will also be immortalized on the game’s website, which will remain live as a tribute to the world we’ve built together.

Bossa Studios will host an End of the World event which will be live streamed on Twitch and will feature an AMA with the team. The exact date and details of this event will be announced here and on their other community channels (Twitter,Facebook, Steam Forum and Discord) soon.

If you have any questions, just take a look at the extensive Q&A here. If you can’t find the answer to your question there, then contact Bossa.

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