Gaming Cypher

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Xbox Live “Play to Earn” Incentives

Beginning on April 1st, Microsoft will launch My PunchCard on Xbox Live.

This is a new play-to-earn incentive like free MS Points and much more.

The following are the three reward tiers:

  1. Play 20 hours of any combination of arcade games, receive a free avatar item
  2. Purchase any four arcade games for 400 Microsoft Points or more from Xbox LIVE, receive a one month Xbox LIVE Gold membership
  3. Spend 3200 Microsoft Points on arcade games, receive 800 Microsoft Points in return.

These incentives are only available to Xbox Live Gold members. If you happen to meet all three criteria in April, you will earn “VIP Exclusives,” which have yet to be revealed.

What do you think? Are you excited about this new reward program?

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