Gaming Cypher

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Xbox One X Now Available for Pre-Order, Enhanced Games List Grows to Over 130 Titles

Xbox One X Now Available for Pre-Order, Enhanced Games List Grows to Over 130 Titles

The Xbox One X Standard Edition is now available for pre-order! You’ll be able to order yours through the Microsoft Store as well as local retailers around the world.

Pre-Order Xbox One X Standard Edition from MS Store

Pre-Order Xbox One X Standard Edition from Amazon

Pre-Order Xbox One X Standard Edition from GameStop

Pre-Order Xbox One X Standard Edition from Best Buy

In addition, Xbox announced that there are now more than 130 enhanced games, including both new and existing, that you’ll be able to play on your Xbox One X. These include titles such as Far Cry 5, L.A. Noire, and Okami HD.

For more information explaining Xbox One X Enhanced program, visit here.

Take a look at the video with Major Nelson and Albert Penello, Head of Xbox Console Marketing:

To see the list of over 130 Xbox One X enhanced games, go here.

Related: Xbox Creates Custom Xbox One S Console with The Chainsmokers

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