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Your Guide to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Healer Rankings

As a gamer, navigating through the expansive World of Warcraft ranks can be hard. In this article, we’ve analyzed and listed the top Healer classes in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

Your Guide to World of Warcraft Shadowlands Healer Rankings
Source: Unsplash

If you’re looking to venture into World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ raids or dungeons, you need to have a good healer. Along with that, you also need to have good tanks and damage-dealers to survive, as it could make a big difference when taking down a boss and a full wipe. Still, your healers should be able to sustain the survival of characters, deal damage, and prevent boss damage using their various abilities.

In raw healing output, most WoW: Shadowlands healers are similar. However, the differences come in terms of their abilities to survive through the toughest Mythic fights. As a good player, almost every healer is a viable option. However, the number of healers in Shadowlands is constantly evolving with new balance patches and content.

For this reason, we have compiled a list of the best healers in both PvP and PvE for players in the Shadowlands expansion. Looking to bet in an online casino instead? Take a look at our list of the best no deposit bonus codes at


Moving on swiftly…

PvP Healers

Discipline Priest

Starting off our list are the Discipline Priests. They are some of the best and strongest healers in Shadowlands, all thanks to their unique healing capabilities. Along with that, they’re potent in dealing significant damages, making them great partners in the arena. Recently, Discipline Priests received a couple of abilities, and this together with Legendaries and Covenants continues to make them even stronger.

One of the latest abilities in Discipline Priest is the Hearthstone card, which allows you to use your victim’s spell and simultaneously stop them from using it for a few seconds. It is a great addition when you want to steal a spell such as Divine Shield, Iceblock, or any other important cooldown.

Mistweaver Monk

Unlike the Battle for Azeroth, the Mistweaver Monks have remained pretty much the same. They’re considered some of the most efficient healers in WoW: Shadowlands and they continue to be in the latest expansion. The Mistweaver Monks can easily survive burst damage and reload their allies in seconds.

Unfortunately, they don’t add anything to the offensive aspect of the game, as they don’t do any damage. As such, if you need to assist your teammates in dealing damage, they’ll be out of luck.

Restoration Shaman

Just like the Mistweaver Monks, Restoration Shamans have remained unchanged in terms of playstyle. With that said, however, they did receive significant upgrades in the form of Mana Tide Totem. Along with that, most of the tools included in Shadowlands are aimed at improving Restoration Shamans in PvE mode. 

Restoration Druid

Restoration Druids received some nice abilities including Nature’s Swiftness and Overgrowth, although their uniqueness stems from putting up healing for longer periods. Unfortunately, they can’t do much due to the current meta, which mainly focuses on bursting and killing targets faster. 

Holy Paladin

Holy Paladins were potent in the Battle for Azeroth, all thanks to their borrowed power mechanisms like Corruptions, the Heart of Azeroth, and Azerite Traits. Along with that, they were perfectly tuned for those powers, although losing them was somehow a step-down.

By reintroducing Holy Power as a resource, however, Holy Paladins are somehow restricted and they can’t spam spells like before. As such, you need to cautiously manage the Holy Power bar in order to top off your battleground teammates.

Holy Priest

Unlike their Discipline counterparts, Holy Priests lack in many departments. For starters, they don’t bring a worthwhile utility, shield, or damage, plus their design to cast slow heals isn’t ideal for the WoW: Shadowlands PvP environment. As such, you need to be swift and decisive to be successful, because sitting in the same spot and casting long heals would lead to interruptions.

PvE Healers WoW: Shadowlands

Discipline Priest

Discipline Priests are some of the best healers in both PvP and PvE modes. Their unique healing potency makes them perfect for many raids and dungeons, not forgetting their ability to inflict a lot of damage, all without sacrificing their healing ability. This is especially important in the early progression stages where even the smallest DPS increases matter. 

The ability to protect entire raids and dungeons with Rapture is yet another positive aspect of Discipline Priests, which is also one of the primary reasons why they’re the most sought-after healers for competitive PvE.

Restoration Shaman

Restoration Shamans is yet another potentially great healer for the upcoming PvE content. Thanks to their AoE heals, Restoration Shaman will come in handy in the upcoming raids and dungeons. One of the most unique abilities of Restoration Shamans is the Spirit Link Totems, which easily equalizes health pools in raids if anything goes wrong.

Holy Paladin

Although Holy Paladins were stripped of most of their powers in the Shadowlands expansion, they’re considered some staple healers for any raid. They bring a wide array of tools including Blessing of Sacrifice, Divine Protection, Devotion Aura, and Lay on Hands, all of which make it easier to conduct PVP raids. 

Talking about raids, here’s an article highlighting everything you need to know about Destiny 2 carry services.

Final Thoughts

World of Warcraft has never been wonderfully balanced, and Shadowlands is not an exception. As a player, you’ll come across better classes than others at the high end for raiding, and ultimately, a meta will always exist. And to help make an informed choice when playing World of Warcraft, we hope our list of the best healers in WoW: Shadowlands will help.

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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