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Albion Online Closed Beta Starting Times, Reddit AMA and Wallpapers

Albion Online Closed Beta Starting Times, Reddit AMA and Wallpapers

Today Sandbox Interactive unveils the last bit of information before the start of the Closed Beta of their upcoming cross-platform sandbox MMORPG Albion Online on Monday. The developer announces the exact Closed Beta starting times for each type of Founder, invites everyone to join a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and shares some cool new wallpapers. For more information visit here.

Starting Times

The precise starting times when each type of Founder groups can access the servers for the Closed Beta are as follows:

  • Legendary Founders: November 23, 12:00 UTC (13:00 CET, 7:00am EST, 4:00am PST)
  • Epic Founders: November 24, 12:00 UTC (13:00 CET, 7:00am EST, 4:00am PST)
  • Veteran Founders: November 25, 12:00 UTC (13:00 CET, 7:00am EST, 4:00am PST)

Players have a possibility to upgrade the Founder’s Pack to a higher tier if they wish to get their hands on the game earlier.

Reddit AMA

In preparation for the launch of the Closed Beta, Sandbox Interactive will also hold an AMA (Ask Me Anything) at 16:00 UTC (17:00 CET, 11:00am EST, 8:00am PST). Some of the Game Designers, Community Management and CEO & Founder Stefan “Bercilak” Wiezorek will be present to answer community questions about Albion Online there.


Finally, for those wishing to experience the world of Albion even outside the game, developers have prepared two sets of neat artwork of Albion Online – one set themed around the Factions, while the other showing distinct features of the game and the world. Download them all in one file

You can participate in Albion Online’s Closed Beta by becoming a Founder.

Related: Albion Online New Classless Combat 2.0 Video

Source: Press Release

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