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ALBION ONLINE Releases Nimue Content Update

ALBION ONLINE Releases Nimue Content Update

Berlin – Nimue, the fifth major post-release content update for the sandbox MMO, Albion Online, is now live. The expansion will add several new features and numerous updates and improvements to the game. To mark the occasion, starter packs and upgrades will be available at a reduced price from now until November 27.

The new Nimue features at a glance:

  • Crystal Realm Battles: An impressive 5 vs. 5 battle mode for Guild vs. Guild players, which takes place in a mystic new arena bursting with light and color.
  • Party Finder: This new feature allows solo players, smaller groups and guilds to create their own parties or join existing ones in the lobby. Players can join forces in a broad range of activities within the world of Albion, from spontaneous dungeon and Hellgate raids to organized guild events to joint role-playing games.
  • Improved Guild Logos: The Nimue update now offers guilds the opportunity to change their logo once it’s been created. On top of that, a preview function allows players to view logos in various contexts and adjust them accordingly.
  • Mob Faction Capes: In addition to the City Faction Capes that came with the Merlyn update, players can now complement their combat builds with five new Mob Faction Capes which offer various passive spells.
  • Guardian Aspects: These “Mini Guardians” are smaller versions of the current Raid Guardians, which spawn randomly in the world of Albion. They offer an opportunity for smaller groups to earn resources and glory.
  • Enemy Marker and Party Roles: Players now have the chance to mark enemies and NPCs in the open world. Also, the roles of party members in combat can be displayed in the open world (healer, tank, etc).
  • Changes to Outlands Resource Redistribution: With the Nimue update, tier-8 resources will be moved back from the territories to the open world, increasing the chance to find them, even if they only appear in high-tier zones.
  • Improved NPC’s and Merchant Buildings: Numerous NPC’s now have full voice-over audio to make interactions with them more meaningful and entertaining for the players. In addition, several craftsmen and merchants have been updated with new character models, and lighting effects have been added to major merchant buildings to make them easier to find at night.

Additional Improvements:

  • Improvements to Faction Outposts and the Arena
  • Plants, herbs, animals and furniture can now be placed via cursor
  • Numerous quality-of-life improvements to controls and UI

Detailed information on the Nimue update is available on the official update page.

Check Out the Albion Online Nimue Update Trailer:

Starting today, all starter packs and upgrades will be available from the Albion Store at a discount of 34% until November 27, 2018. Also starting today (November 21) at 9:00am PT/17:00 UTC, the same offer applies to the Steam store.

Albion Online is available for PC, Mac, and Linux via Steam.

Related: ALBION ONLINE Midseason War Report: Guild vs Guild Season 3 Takes Dramatic Turn

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