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ALBION ONLINE Releases Percival Update

Berlin – Today, Sandbox Interactive released its Percival update, the seventh major post-launch content update for Albion Online. Percival is now available for all players of the Sandbox MMORPG. With this update, adventurers can look forward to randomized solo dungeons, a plethora of new ways to customize and highlight their characters and mounts, new mobs, spells, and abilities, and much more.
Albion Online has taken the next step to expand on its open world: Percival introduces randomized dungeons for solo players that will offer a unique experience each time they are played. These solo dungeons can be found all over the open world in Albion and are filled to the brim with challenges and rewards. Adventurers can also find special maps, highlighting the way to even more challenging dungeons that beckon with stronger foes – and even greater rewards.
Additionally, Percival brings an extensive customization system to the game. Players now have access to dozens of new beards, hairstyles, and face options. These can be applied both during the creation of a new character and in the newly-introduced customization view in the game itself. A large selection of mount skins allows for new looks for various mounts. Many of the special mounts already in the game have been converted into the new skin system. Additionally, some new options can now be found in the ingame store.
New creatures have surfaced in Albion. These newly-designed mobs require new strategies and tactics from the adventurers facing them. Luckily, there is a range of new spells and abilities available to even the odds.

Additional features and improvements:

  • Expansion of personal bank tabs
  • New scrim option for 20-vs-20 city fights
  • Chat channels for different languages
  • Crystal Realm GvG fights now also happen outside of the GvG season
  • New tiles for randomized dungeons
  • … and much more
For more details, visit the official Percival Update page:

Related: ALBION ONLINE Now Free-to-Play

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