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ALEXIO Charming Duck Platformer Available for Pre-Order on Xbox

Check Out the Alexio Xbox Trailer:

Developer ChiliDog Interactive announced that pre-orders are now open for Alexio on Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S. PlayStation 4 and Switch pre-orders will be available at a later date. Alexio is the game about the little duckling Alex. The day when he turned 6 he learned the hard truth from his father — to become a true drake he had to complete the journey on his own and find his monobrow during his travels. Alex had a hard time trying to get some sleep, because he knew that this journey would be the most exciting thing for him ever.

You will have to travel with Alex, overcome a set of obstacles and get through the meadows, lakes, mountains, woods, caves and ancient ruins on your way to the temple that keeps your hard-earned reward. 

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