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Another Metroid Title? Retro Studios High on the List to Develop it


Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto said that should the company decide to develop another game in the Metroid series, Retro Studios will be high on the list of candidates to do so.

Miyamoto said that Metroid is an important franchise for the firm, and one it “values” while speaking in the 100th issue of Official Nintendo Magazine.

“I definitely think it’s a franchise that we value and we certainly want to see what we can do with it in the future. And, obviously, Retro is a very high priority in terms of the potential team that would be considered for working on a Metroid game.”

Miyamoto added that Retro Studios is extremely capable of working on multiple projects at once, and that he admires their work tremendously.

Retro is the developer of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, which is due to release in November for Wii U.

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