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APEXICON Fantasy Puzzle Combat Title for WII U and PC Now on Kickstarter

Nintendo Life has reported that fantasy puzzle combat title, APEXICON, is now back on Kickstarter, this time with a funding goal of $5,000.

Here is what Jonathan Meyer, CEO of Actos Games, had to say,

We’re really proud to launch the second Kickstarter for APEXICON. After our initial attempt and all the fans continuing to watch our current progress, we really believe we have a great line up of content to show off the hard work we’ve done for the game in recent months.

Our hope is that the fully created Alpha provides a slice of gameplay that players will want to come back for more.

We believe that to truly reach out to audiences, we need to develop versions for both PC gamers and console gamers, and Apexicon is a perfect fit for the Wii U GamePad.

Having the game on the Wii U opens our capabilities on what we can do with the technology, and we’re really excited to bring fans a quality experience out of the indie game scene.

You can view the APEXICON video below:

So head on over to the APEXICON Kickstarter page if you like this title and help support the developer. Currently, APEXICON has 66 backers pledging $1,298 of the $5,000 goal with 29 days to go.

Source: Nintendo Life


  • Nathan Stevens

    I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.

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