The iconic best-selling manga series, Attack on Titan, whose award-winning anime adaption just entered the second half of its final season, is coming to Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone Pacific as part of the games’ first major update of 2022. In this bundle to be released as part of the midseason update, Daniel Yatsu will don the legendary Survey Corps gear.
This epic collaboration will officially become available on January 20, approximately one week after a midseason update for Vanguard and Warzone Pacific that will include a new Operator, a new weapon, additional content for Zombies, various bug fixes, and more. The Vanguard update will be available to download tonight at 9 PM PT, while the Warzone Pacific update can be downloaded starting on January 12 at 9 PM PT. These will prepare both games for the first full day of Season One’s midseason update on January 13 at 9 AM PT.
Available on January 20, The Tracer Pack: Attack of Titan – Levi Edition Bundle features 10 items, including the Titan Piercer, a weapon made of ultrahard steel capable of slicing through opponents with ease.
For additional details, visit the Call of Duty blog post.
Related: Call of Duty: Vanguard Free Access Lets You Try Multiplayer with Max 2XP
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