Today, Dimensional Ink Games announced that they are celebrating the 11-year anniversary of its popular, free-to-play MMO, DC Universe Online (DCUO), in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC with an in-game event and free gifts.

Attack of the Anti-Monitor Anniversary Event 2022
The anniversary event is back, featuring open world missions, the Centennial Collapse Raid, the Speed Force Flux Raid, and A World Past Hope and Fear Solo.
Open your Mission Journal and look for “Monitoring the Situation,” queue up for events in the On Duty menu, or use the Warp Menu to go directly to the Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone.
New Styles, Feats, and More!
- Unlock gear inspired by Lex Luthor’s Battlesuit
- Discover two new collections for a title and new Bleed Auras
- Collect two new Boss Statues and other new base items
All-Player Gifts
Everyone gets to celebrate the anniversary with one FREE Character Advance to CR310! With your starter items, you will also receive a gear suit with the updated Lex Corp Salvation style. Log in to automatically receive your free advance, then use it at character select or in character creation.
All players will receive as gifts:
- CR 310 Skip with Lex Corp Salvation Style
- Bleed Material
- Episode 41 Posters (Base Items)
- Episode 42 Posters (Base Items)
To claim your free Character Advance and gifts, you must log in between now and January 31, 2022. You may use the advance right away or save it for a later time. One gift per account. Additional Bleed materials and posters are available on the anniversary vendor.

Member Gifts
For the Members, the developers have a special set of gifts this year. All members will receive as gifts:
- NEW House of Legends Lair
- House of Legends Base Item Pack
- Bleed Chroma
- Member Reward Box, with:
- (1) Artifact Cache with choice of artifact
- Catalysts
- (11) Dionesium
- (6) Quantum Field Energy
- (3) Paradox Energy
- (4) Seals of Preservation
- Artifact XP (Total: 220,000)
- (2) Perfected Nth Metal
- (5) Reinforced Nth Metal
- (7) Flawless Nth Metal
- (1) Purified Nth Metal
- Nth Metal Detector
To claim your free Member Gift, you must be a member and then log in between now and January 31, 2022. Players can upgrade to membership and then log in to receive the Member Gift. One per account. Additional House of Legends Lairs, Base Item Packs, and Bleed Chromas can be found in the Marketplace.
For additional game information, visit and follow the official DC Universe Online social channels on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch.
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