Bokida – Heartfelt Reunion by developer Rice Cooker Republic is artistically unique, functioning as a piece of art before being a...
Cormac McShane
Cormac McShane is a British-American writer from London England. He holds a bachelors degree in Philosophy from Davidson College.
Few games capitalize on the power of sheer curiosity like Empathy: Path of Whispers does. Through sheer curiosity I finished...
In the wake of sandbox successes like Minecraft and Terraria, 505 Games and Keen Games have capitalized on the...
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII is a military strategy game released by Koei. The game is based on a Chinese...
Rarely do I come across a shooter that reinvigorates my desire for online multiplayer. In a moment where shooters mimic...
Anoxemia is a single-player 2-D exploration game released by Badland Games. In a claustrophobic under-water setting, you control a drone...