Com2uS, the creators of the fantasy RPG franchise, Summoners War, celebrates the eighth anniversary for its flagship RPG title, Summoners...
Galit Gordon
This April 15th, Robo Wars, a platform game centered around mecha fights, will be released on Nintendo Switch. Developers highlighted...
Players of the successful early access game, Police Simulator: Patrol Officers, can look forward to another expansion of their gaming...
Voyage to the Sunken City, the latest expansion for Blizzard Entertainment’s smash-hit digital card game, Hearthstone, is now live, kicking...
SOEDESCO, an independent video game developer, publisher, and distributor with 20 years of experience, has announced the expansion of its global operations in...
PC Players Can Now Fight in a 3vs3 PVP Battle Arena Cross-Platform with VR Players in CRADLE OF SINS
Cradle of Sins is getting closer to Early Access and another BETA update is out now for players. It's a...
The wastelands are about to get even more dangerous, as Modiphius Entertainment has released a new miniatures expansion for Fallout:...
As part of the 20th anniversary celebration of the KINGDOM HEARTS franchise, SQUARE ENIX and Disney announced that KINGDOM HEARTS...