Glyph is a unique 3D platformer that makes its own path within the genre with its unconventional approach to platforming...
Hangy Caldwell
“An arcade light-gun shoot ‘em up in 2021? PAH!” was my first impression, but within the first 10 minutes of gameplay, it...
In Sound Mind, by developer We Create Stuff and publisher Modus Games, is an interesting addition to the psychological horror...
VR games have had a long struggle of keeping players immersed as finicky controls and gameplay limitations are regulars in...
I had initially dodged Doki Doki Literature Club hype when it first broke the YouTube feeds. To be honest, I was under the impression...
Police Simulator: Patrol Officers, by developer Aesir Interactive and publisher astragon, strangely parallels Civil War Reenactments: instead of an ambitious...
Speedy Gun Savage is a VR rail shooter by developer and publisher, Gamitronics, that bravely starts off by attempting to...
I can’t help but feel that this game is throwing some philosophical shade at its civilization/city building counterparts as its...