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Awesomenauts Patch 2.2 Beta Version 2 Now Live

Ronimo Games has rolled out Patch 2.2 Beta Version 2 for Awesomenauts.

Awesomenauts Patch 2.2 Beta Version 2 Now Live


Below are the full patch notes, taken directly from the Awesomenauts website:

-The game now collects balancing metrics to help us do better balancing patches in the future. We only store aggregated anonymous data, so no private data or data-per-player is stored
-Improved anti-cheat
-In the character select non-Starstorm owners can now properly see if Ted is selected by another player
-Added botnames for Kickstarter backers (Thorium Tier and up)
-Added Special Thanks to credits for Kickstarter backers (Gold Tier and up)
-Added Very Awesome Thanks to credits for Kickstarter backers (Awesomantium Tier and up)
-Added the instrumental version of the Awesomenauts theme song to the soundtrack DLC (karaoke GOGOGO!)
-Option for ”Allow join without invite” in Custom Games is now visible for clients (but not editable)
-Fixed that the joystick crosshair for player 2 was also visible on the screen for player 1
-Modified some things to decrease the impact of the infamous “sliding bug”. The sliding bug will still happen in some cases, but less often and less problematic. (This is the bug that in some cases nauts could drag other nauts, creeps and droids along with them.)
-Fixed that for some characters (probably Voltar, Genji and Swiggins) downjump and jump would sometimes not work when standing on a platform that moves down.

Froggy G
-Fixed that dash would end instantly when standing on the floor dashing forward or slightly down on Linux
-Turbo Tape description now states movement instead of speed
-Right Back At Ya! description now states “most projectiles” instead of “fire”
-Thornfish now works with Viridian Eel Cartridges
-Thornfish now works with Swirling Octopus Cartridges
-Swirling Octopus Cartridges now increases the range of shots by 75%

-Fixed a health regeneration bug
-It’s now possible to activate skills at any time while auto attacking melee
-Tongue damage description now states correctly “x2”
-Hungry sword lifesteal increased from 20% to 25%
-Pinot noir now shows the correct amount of regen 100 instead of 300

-Rubberband Ball description now states duration and life time
-Jail food damage over time duration increased from 3s to 5s
-Explosive neckband price reduced from 260 to 220 Solar
-Blowtorch price reduced from 190 to 175 Solar

-Main attack now automatically recharges
-Psychokinetic Repulsion and Twisted Nightmares now work better together
-Psychokinetic Repulsion now only works on max charge
-Healing Wave description now states the charging of the heal
-Healing Wave description now states +3 healing to allied Awesomenauts on min heal
-Healing Wave description now states the base solar/heal percentage
-Suicide Drones now show the correct cooldown (4s)
-Dreams of greed solar/heal reduced on heals from 10% to 5%
-Base heal reduced by 2
-Twisted nightmares min damage reduced by 1 and the max reduced by 2
-Weapon clip-on removed one stage (2 stages now)

-Amplify Damage now shows the correct damage to everyone
-Weedlings now show their starting health and health regen

-Stormdrum glitch where two clouds would spawn is now fixed
-Main attack glitch where you would be able to hit 3 times is now also fixed
-His character select description now states that he can hover after jumping
-Jagra eggs, Heal effect when cocooning an enemy now only triggers after purchasing jagra eggs
-Cocoon, Increased projectile speed and range

-Reloadtime of shotgun increased from 1.7s to 2s
-Shotgun shells cap reduced from 5 to 4
-Shotgun shells now also reload during machine gun mode stance
-Many bugs related to switching between weapons and using Stimpack in combination with Shotgun have been fixed
-Airstrike and Stimpack descriptions now state when they are available
-Shotgun description now states the base knockback
-Machinegun base damage increased from 3 to 4
-Stimpack’s animation lenght reduced by 0.2 sec

-Collision size of Ink Shot bullets slightly increased
-Magnetic Anchor description now shows the dps instead of the total damage
-Ancient Octant price reduced from 240 to 160 Solar

-Denny’s Boots description now show the correct speed increase value and the out of combat value
-Time Rift description now shows the attackspeed
-Retro Spaceship description now states “slowing power +” instead of “slowing power”
-Snipe description now states the arming time and knockback
-Power pills turbo replaced by power pills light

-CC immunity now activates directly when switching to siegemode and ends after having fully unsieged
-Siegemode description now state the denonate on nuke and debuff immunity
-Solid Fist Bullets description now state their homing value

-Power Gloves description now states ‘structure’ instead of ‘turret’ damage
-Thunder Striker description now states the stun duration it provides
-Wave Raiser description now states the cooldown increase
-Power pills turbo replaced by power pills light

-Fixed that on Linux, Mines would sometimes end up in a different position than on other platforms (this only happened very rarely)
-Laser description now states the pulling effect on pickups
-Laser description now states the charging time to next damage value
-Space time continuity device cc immunity now only works for Yuri
-Toaster timer time reduced from 4s to 3s
-Flash forward price increased from 180 to 220 Solar

Vinnie & Spike
-Antique Machine Gun description now states radius instead of range
-Godfish description now states the range in which it looks for wealthy enemies

-Iridium Blocks description now state damage over time instead of just damage
-Flaming fist range reduced from 3 to 2
-Homeless gnome damage reduced from 25 to 20
-Electric hammer price increased from 180 to 220 Solar

-Missiles now deal damage in the same range as bullets with Booming Bullets upgrade
-Booming Bullets description now state bullets as well as missiles in the description
-Missiles description now state their homing value

-Vacuum Bite description now states the range


Changes between beta 1 and 2 are as following:

-CC immunity while going into siege and going out of siege now works

-Med-i’-can works again

-Healing wave heal reduced by 1
-Solar per heal change reverted
-Dreams of greed solar/heal reduced from 10% to 5%
-Twisted nightmares maximum damage reduced from 14 to 12 per stage.
-Weapon clip-on removed one stage (2 stages now)

-Space time continuity device cc immunity now only works for Yuri
-Toaster timer time reduced from 4s to 3s
-Flash forward price increased from 180 to 220 Solar

-Flaming fist range reduced from 3 to 2
-Homeless gnome damage reduced from 25 to 20
-Electric hammer price increased from 180 to 220 Solar

Ted McPain
-Shotgun shells maximum increased from 3 to 4
-Shotgun reload Speed increased from 1.75s to 2s
-Machinegun base damage increased from 3 to 4
-Shotgun icon is now visible again
-Stimpack’s animation lenght reduced by 0.2 sec

-Power pills turbo replaced by power pills light

-Power pills turbo replaced by power pills light

-Ancient Octant price reduced from 240 to 160 Solar

-Jagra eggs, Heal effect when cocooning an enemy now only triggers after purchasing jagra eggs
-Cocoon, Increased projectile speed and range

-Hungry sword lifesteal increased from 20% to 25%

-Jail food damage over time duration increased from 3s to 5s
-Explosive neckband price reduced from 260 to 220 Solar
-Blowtorch price reduced from 190 to 175 Solar

You can also take a look at last month’s Patch 2.1 here.

What do you think of Awesomenauts? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Source: Ronimo Games


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