Boulder Dash, by publisher BBGENTERTAINMENT, is an aggressively average game, very on par with cutesy mobile apps. It’s on Switch, but if you’ve played any mobile game ever, you know this game. The animation is in the same style, there’s a similar number of levels, and the ‘puzzle’ is pretty fun, but never all that hard. If you get serotonin from breaking through level after level and feeling like you’re really good at mobile apps, you’ll enjoy this game. Also similar to other mobile apps, this game has lots of different items, power ups, upgrades, and so on that can be earned for free or bought quickly to end all curiosity about what content it has left to offer. The levels continue on forever, and you’ll never have to play a level more than three or four times.

There are some bright points–the game’s tutorial isn’t too in your face and it doesn’t require you to interact with every tutorial message just to move on. The game doesn’t need much of a tutorial, but it’s still nice after playing a lot of games where the tutorial takes forever. Another thing that’s nice about Boulder Dash is that it doesn’t beat around the bush or claim to be something other than a simple puzzle game. There are a lot of mobile apps that claim to be the next big, hottest game of the summer while really being fairly boring clones of other popular games.

All in all, Boulder Dash is a great time waster if you want something mindless to do while watching your favorite show or unwinding from work, because it will never occupy your full attention. The animation and gameplay is just like any other mobile game, but on Switch, and there are certainly enough levels to occupy for a good while. However, more serious puzzlers will be bored by the ease, competitive geared gamers will find nothing here, and most armchair gamers will be bored by how little extra content this game has to offer, or at least how little that extra bit actually changes gameplay at all.
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I play videogames all the time and have played all sorts of games, from Pokémon to Sekoro to Valorant and Apex Legends. I often prefer difficult or competitive games with high skill ceilings, but still love the beauty of more open world games like Breath of the Wild. The community of a game is also a determining factor for me, which is why I'd rather have an Animal Crossing friend than a Rainbow Six Siege friend."
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