According to Capcom, Street Fighter X Mega Man has surpassed 1,000,000 downloads worldwide, although the actual number could be much...
In accordance with the Mass Effect 3 Website, the N7 Bounty Weekend Operation Lodestar is now live.Here is the info,...
In an effort to build our new Facebook page, we are giving away a free digital copy of Max Payne...
The following is SimCity's latest tweet: Server Update: We're still working on EU 4, good availability on others especially our...
Gearbox revealed at the SXSW Friday that a new Vault Hunter is heading to Borderlands 2. In a teaser shown...
Maxis’ General Manager, Lucy Bradshaw, notes that the SimCity server capacity has increased 120% in the last 48 hours, and...
In light of all the issues it has faced since its launch, SimCity's marketing campaign has been suspended temporarily by...
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues has been launched on Kickstarter by Richard Garriott, a project which he calls “the...