Perfectly Paranormal have absolutely outdone themselves with their spectacular new puzzle/narrative game, Helheim Hassle. The game itself follows the general...
House on the Hill, developed and published by Steppe Hare Studios, is a first-person thriller/horror game. In the game, you...
In 2015, Dying Light came out and showed a dramatically real circumstance for a zombie apocalypse. Techland built a first...
This game is really really cool. Oh—were you expecting me to be more eloquent than that? Sorry, but the truth...
Ever wonder what a 90’s shooter would be like if it was released today? With stunning fidelity, the new FPS,...
El Presidente is back, but now he has more to learn when it comes to keeping his citizens happy while...
This week I’ve had the great pleasure of playing Peaky Blinders: Mastermind, developed by FuturLab and published by Curve Digital....
Snake is Strawberry Studio’s take on the eponymous genre that debuted back in the ‘70s. Strawberry Studio’s Snake hearkens back...