I’m always in the market for a good combat game I can share with friends. The big craze used to...
Jo-Mei’s and EA Originals Sea of Solitude contains an ocean of soul, but soul isn’t the only thing required to...
Rhythm and rhyme Watch the vibrant, bright colors flash as they zoom by. Feel your fingers channel the rhythm of...
Taste of Power is a nice distracting game in its early-access form for those with a love of history and...
https://youtu.be/5EXgHXeK9-I For more information, please visit here: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/nelly-cootalot-the-fowl-fleet-switch/#game-info
Racing games come in almost any form you can think of from the very broad games like Forza to the...
First I will mention the few positive aspects of OrionArts’s new game, Galerider. I was impressed by the background graphics...
LEGO fans get ready. NimbleBit has released LEGO Tower for iOS, a game that will entertain players with its management...