There’s something about the tales of King Arthur that have captivated humanity since their first telling. Be it the legendary...
BLACKTAIL is an action-adventure game developed by The Parasight and published by Focus Interactive. The game follows the origins of...
Check out the Destiny: The Exotic Collection, Volume One Unveiling Video: You can get your own copy HERE Related: Nick...
“Alfred Hitchcock – Vertigo” is obviously an adaptation of the classic 1958 film of the same name. Developed Pendulo Studios...
Check out the Zombie Cure Labs Preview: Arrrgggughhhghhhh! Zombie Cure Lab, developed by Thera Bytes and published by Aerosoft,...
Published by Maximum Games and developed by Beijing Magic Fish Technology Co. (What a name!) A new horror puzzle game,...
A great deal of laughter and drama when humans and aliens worked together to defeat the bad guys in the...
To be frank, I never really gave Firaxis games a chance ever, being known for turn based tactical combat style...