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Crossfire: Legion New Horizon Faction Impressions for Steam Early Access

True to its name, the New Horizon faction pioneers a realm of new possibilities in the ever-changing war for supremacy within Crossfire: Legion. New Horizon takes elements from both its counterparts but resembles something more similar to a hybrid Warhammer 40k’s Tau and Space Marines. In my mind they align more toward the Tau due to their range and projectile supremacy. 

There are a variety of units, and the names are more mythical than mechanical. My personal favorites are the infantry groups: Vampires and Lychans. Vampires are like Zealots from Starcraft and even have a sort of vampire ability, making them a reliable anti-infantry unit (or longer lasting distraction). Lychans can jump from one location to another with their jetpacks. They can prove useful as scouts, saboteurs, or hit/run units. 

Crossfire: Legion New Horizon Faction Impressions for Steam Early Access

There is a giant mech called the Titan, that looks like something right out of Battletech. It has a lot of health to absorb attacks and get up and personal with enemy combatants. It can use a stomp ability as well as a dash. It can make prove useful especially towards clusters of units. The titan is only a real threat to the ground units, as its projectile ability only can damage those on the ground. In the majority of cases, it is a giant bullet sponge with rechargeable shields. 

Another important unit is the Cyclops. Another mystically inspiring unit, but this one uses its “eye” to launch a burst of energy from a far distance. Its laser is powerful and especially capable versus other vehicle units. It looks like hovering tank and moves just as slowly. A few of these in your unit composition feel necessary to offset any attack. 

Just like the other factions there are commander special abilities. Angel’s skills include: Null Field and Radiation Zone. Null Field allows for friendly units in a circle to take reduced damage for the duration of the field effect. Radiation zone is the exact opposite, causing damage to units within its radius. 

It is really cool to see a diversity of tactics among three factions, instead of just two. I love RTS games, and I find myself calling back to Starcraft and Command and Conquer. I hope that Crossfire continues building upon this foundation. Players will inevitably fill in the rest with developing strategies and monopolizing spaces on the available maps.

Crossfire: Legion is slated for a Spring 2022 release. You can wishlist the game right now via Steam Early Access.

Related: Crossfire: Legion Impressions for Steam Early Access

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