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DEEEER Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game to Collaborate with Bossa Studios’ I AM BREAD

DEEEER Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game is a game planned for release on Steam this year, in which you take on the role of a deer where you can frolic, explore, destroy, swing, tame horses, walk like a human, start a fire, ride a dragon, build a robot, and whatever else your imagination allows you to create! Smash through everyday life in an unassuming town to unleash the true power of the deer!
This game is being developed by a single solitary 24-year-old Japanese developer, with the desire to reach the world and have everyone enjoy the games he made, Keisuke Abe turned to the deer. After a preview tweet of this game went viral, Keisuke dived into the raw insanity that everyone craved.
During the Kickstarter campaign, I AM BREAD joined in, with an official collaboration in the works, the world of DEEEER Simulator is about to get more delicious exciting!

DEEEER Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game to Collaborate with Bossa Studios' I AM BREAD


  • Deer
  • Animals
  • Family fun
  • A totally safe town with a totally normal animal populace.
  • Collaboration with I AM BREAD

DEEEER Simulator: Your Average Everyday Deer Game is a game planned for release on Steam. You can help support the Kickstarter campaign with 10 days to go.

Related: I am Bread Now Out on iPAD and iPhone

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