Developed by Yuke’s and published by D3PUBLISHER Inc., Earth Defense Force: World Brothers is an action third person shooter that has you fight giant aliens and insects in order to protect the world. While that story outline sounds incredibly basic and generic, it works well for Earth Defense Force: World Brothers, as the story is just an excuse to have you fight giant monsters and destroy large areas. It is in these moments when you are engaged in huge climactic fights with tons of collateral damage that Earth Defense Force: World Brothers really shines, as it provides a sense of scale that not many other games can match. However, while this gameplay loop of fighting gigantic insects and aliens can be enjoyable, it can also get rather repetitive and tedious, as you will be subjected to the same time of fights over and over again on a lot of the same maps. Add on to that the fact that there is not much incentive to use a large number of the characters or classes due to them simply being unfun to play as or not as useful as the others, and I found myself getting tired of the combat towards the end of the game. Most likely, you will be sticking with the same few classes throughout the entirety of the game, making the large number of characters and classes feel more like padding added to the game instead of a core element of it. However, while the central gameplay loop of battling large insects and aliens may grow tiresome, it is the perfect type of shut off your brain and have fun gameplay, as the destruction and scale of the fights is more than enough to be enjoyable.
Earth Defense Force: World Brothers is a game that you can’t take too seriously if you want to enjoy it. The large-scale absurdist fights coupled with the lighthearted humor make it an experience that is hard to enjoy if you are taking it too seriously or thinking about it too critically. Earth Defense Force: World Brothers works best when you go into it not expecting too much and simply want to have some dumb fun. While the humor and jokes never particularly worked for me, as they felt rather forced and obvious rather than subtle and clever, I ultimately enjoyed the absurdity of the game, as I was able to shut my brain off and just enjoy my time with it.
The voxel art style of Earth Defense Force: World Brothers also perfectly matches the absurdist tone of the game. While this cuboid style is something I might not have liked in a different game, it does a great job at emphasizing the lighthearted nature of Earth Defense Force: World Brothers, while also further heightening the scale of the large combat encounters.
While I did not enjoy all my time with Earth Defense Force: World Brothers, as I found the gameplay loop of large-scale fights against aliens and insects to become fairly repetitive later on, it is a game I can recommend, as that central loop is incredibly enjoyable for a majority of the game. It is a lighthearted game that should not be taken too seriously, as if you go in simply wanting to have fun, it is an experience that you will surely enjoy. 7.5/10
Check Out the Earth Defense Force: World Brothers Trailer:
To stay up to date on the latest regarding EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS, follow the EARTH DEFENSE FORCE Twitter @EDF_OFFICIAL_EN, join the fan-run Earth Defense Force Community Discord Server at , or the game’s official website. D3PUBLISHER’s website can be found at
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Video games have been a part of my life since my early childhood, and have always been a major aspect of it. I love video games not only as an outlet for enjoyment, but also as an artistic medium that often gets overlooked.
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