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Elite Dangerous September Update Features New Starter System, Dev Diary

With Elite Dangerous’ September Update, the team is working to bring an entirely new generation of intrepid explorers into the galaxy! The New Starter Experience offers a fully-voiced introduction to teach recruits the basics of flight, navigation, combat and more. And for our more seasoned players, there’s the new Livery System and ARX virtual currency.

New Starter Experience

Frontier Developments has introduced a new starting experience meaning that it’s easier to pick up Elite Dangerous than ever before!

Under the tutelage of Pilots Federation instructor, Theo Acosta, new Commanders will be led through a fully-voiced experience before being left to pilot their own starter ship, the Sidewinder! Throughout the experience, Commanders will learn the basics of space flight, scanning and combat as listed below:

  • Basic flight controls and scanning
  • Supercruise and navigation
  • A combat exercise around a megaship
  • Completing one’s first Hyperspace jump
  • Docking at a starport
  • All of the training will include voiceover across supported languages

This new starter experience will also be added to the existing list of training simulations, found on the internal panel of the Commander’s cockpit, meaning even the most veteran of pilot can still experience it.

Elite: Dangerous will go offline for maintenance from early today, Wednesday, September 18th as the update is rolled out, exact times TBC. The official Elite Dangerous Twitter channel will confirm when the servers are back up.

For full details on the September Update, go here.

For details on the ARX currency system, go here.

Related: Elite Dangerous Improves the Starter Experience with Exciting September Update

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