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ENCASED: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Review for Steam

ENCASED: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG, by developer Dark Crystal Games and publisher Prime Matter, is the newest RPG to be available on Steam. I had the chance to review the game, and it feels a lot like Pathfinder meets Wasteland 2. There are a series of choices when you interact with characters inside the Dome, as well as interesting strategic decisions in turn-based combat. If you are looking for a new immersive game with great writing, an intriguing story, character customization, and decent combat, then I would highly recommend taking a closer look at this title. 

If you are not familiar with these types of games, you should know there is a lot of reading. There are instances where lines are voice-recorded fairly well, but there is a lot of lore you can just obtain from the world, scans of artefacts/anomalies, and from the characters themselves. You can make certain decisions based on your background, skills, and previous decisions. For example, my character was a Black-suit (Military background) with technical skills and high perception. In one instance, I was able to spot an abandoned air vent to circumnavigate around radio-active waste. In another instance, I was able to repair a turret, and it was an ally character in a battle to come shortly after. 

The story is very intriguing to me, and I hope you get lured in as well. A mysterious Dome appeared in the 1970s, and its existence caused both the United States and the Soviet Union to collaborate in pursuit of knowledge of the structure. Specialists from all over the world come together to colonize the unknown. A scientific coalition, through a company, launch this expedition. The structure categorizes the employees by different colors. Like my example, Blacks are security/enforcers. There are also Silver bureaucrats and Blue Mechanics. Sometimes these categories capture the personalities of the characters you meet. 

ENCASED: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Preview for Steam

I like the world design so far. It feels like the classical way to enter a new fantasy/sci-fi world, like a Baldur’s Gate. You get a sort of ominous introduction to the world, as your position in the company comes at a seemingly important time. Something big is about to happen, and few seem to know the truth. You are introduced to potential dangers of the Dome through a series of trainings, like how to scan things, how to fight in the field, and how to control psychic abilities (even if you can’t). There is A LOT of talking in the first hour of the game.  

The first actual combat experience I had outside of the main facility was at the old gas station. I managed to use the vents to get away from a mutated crew member in a basement and to use explosive barrels to deal massive amounts of damage. I also mentioned I repaired a turret to help me fight off bandits who were extorting the local diner. Combat is turn based and you have a limited amount of action points. You can do certain things to position yourself in the most advantageous way, like kneeling to increase your accuracy, sacrificing mobility. You also need to reload, so be mindful of your magazine capacity. There is also a nonlethal route! The idea is that you can use nonlethal rounds, tasers, or blunt weapons to wear an enemy down by attrition. I would welcome a pacifist playthrough. 

Encased is a good time so far. I am still drawn in by the mysteries of the Dome. My expectations of the world and the story change based on the more unsettling truths that you learn along your journey. Everyone talks about how magical and amazing the Dome is, and that it is a monumental step in humanity’s progress. Next thing you know, you are taken aside by a higher authority to shatter the Illusion, and you can find the corpse of a massive insectoid on a truck before you leave the safety of civilization. It definitely inspires confidence. This is definitely the type of game I normally embrace with open arms. I am looking forward to logging more hours to experience in the Dome. 

Score: 9/10

ENCASED: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG is available for PC via Steam.


  • John Pruitt

    I like to think of myself as the average Joe who grew up alongside video games. I have fun playing strategy games, RPGs, shooters, sandboxes, the whole shebang! Every game provides an experience whether it strikes you as profound, mundane, or someplace in between. I'd like to weigh in my two cents before you spend a single penny.

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