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FRESHLY FROSTED Review for Steam

Seems like these days are just filled with long hours, bad news, and an endless amount of never-ending work. Burnout is real and self-care is as important for your sanity as it is to your overall health. Don’t be afraid to relax and to have a good time. If you’re having a hard time deciding on what you are craving for, why not treat yourself to an absolutely delicious game? Published and developed by The Quantum Astrophysics Guild, Freshly Frosted is as lovely and sweet as it sounds. Everything from the soft pastel colors, the chill music, and the gentle, whimsical voice of the narrator, this puzzle game will have you feeling as sweet as the donuts you will be making.

FRESHLY FROSTED Review for Steam

Even though puzzles are supposed to challenge and give your brain a workout, Freshly Frosted somehow soothes your mind while keeping it actively engaged. Like yoga for the brain, this game will have you feeling satisfied, stimulated, and maybe even a bit happier. The premise is simple, a donut will need to get from point A to point B. The difficult part is the limited space, the types of conveyors, the multiple types of toppings, and the order they must be added. There is no time limit, and you can try as many times as you want without having to worry about losing “lives”. If players do get stuck, one hint is given to help players see a better visual on their next steps.  

Players can jump back in at any day and any time without having to worry about forgetting a key part of the mission or plot. There is no definite storyline within and the only instructions you will be given is by the narrator with a penchant for donuts. Her occasional comments on the changing seasons and her love for this deep-fried dough creates an effortlessly positive experience. The feeling is like sitting back and watching the clouds go by with a close friend. There is a calmness to her voice and it’s easy to let yourself relax, if only for this moment. Plus, there is just something so satisfying at seeing all your conveyor belts work in perfect harmony.  

Life already has so many bitter moments and regrets that it’s easy to forget the sweeter things. Freshly Frosted is a perfect example that sometimes the best games are not always the ones with the most advanced graphics or with an insane plot filled with twists; sometimes it’s just a game that allows you to enjoy yourself in the moment. Simple, clean, and thoroughly fun, this puzzle game is the perfect balm at the end of a chaotic day.  

PROS: Enjoyable, wholesome, calming, and easy to jump back in and play at any time. 

CONS: Makes you crave donuts.  

SCORE: 9.5/10 

Freshly Frosted is available for PC via Steam.

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