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gamescom 2015: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Evie Gameplay Demo


gamescom 2015: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Evie Gameplay Demo

Ubisoft has released a new Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Evie gameplay demo as well as new screenshots at gamescom 2015.


  • THE FIRST ASSASSIN AT THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN AGE As the brash, rebellious Jacob Frye, put up your dukes and take enemies on with lightning-fast multikills and countermoves. Use improved stealth tactics to elude your enemies and unleash your arsenal of weapons, including the kukri knife, brass knuckles, and sword cane. Utilise new technology like the rope launcher to scale buildings in seconds and take your enemies by surprise.
  • TRAVERSE THE FAST-PACED WORLD OF INDUSTRIAL LONDON From Buckingham Palace to Big Ben, fight and triumph across the massive open world of Victorian London. Use parkour across moving vehicles to track down enemies or escape after a daring raid, hijack carriages to engage in a no-holds-barred street race, or blaze a trail of destruction aboard steamboats along the River Thames.
  • TAKE OVER THE LONDON UNDERWORLD With Jacob as the leader, gamers can establish Great Britain’s fiercest gang, the only force that can challenge the elite and defeat rival gangs to bring freedom to the oppressed masses. Enemy strongholds can be infiltrated by using an arsenal of weapons to dominate London’s underworld. From robbing trains to rescuing child laborers, players will stop at nothing to bring justice to London’s dangerous streets.
  • MASTER THE ART OF STEALTH AS EVIE FRYE Play as Jacob’s twin sister Evie, a relentless Assassin who has perfected the silent, swift and stealthy strike. Use parkour to navigate across the immense open world using your status in London’s leading gang to change the city for the better.

Here are the new screenshots:

And, here is the new Evie gameplay video:

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will release October 23, 1025 for PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC.

Related: F. Gary Gray Directs Animated Short for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate from Ubisoft

Source: Press Release

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