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gamescom 2017: Start of the Exclusive Wild Card Promotion

gamescom 2017: Start of the exclusive Wild Card promotion

gamescom (August 22-26, 2017) is the world’s largest event for computer and video games. Tickets are coveted every year and sold out in advance sale long before the start of the event. The Wild Card promotion offers a possibility to acquire a ticket for the mega-event in Cologne at an early date. The special feature: those who receive one of the limited Wild Cards even have access to the exclusive trade visitor and media day on the first day of the trade fair (new: Tuesday, August 22, 2017) as of 1:00 p.m. All subscribers to the gamescom private visitor newsletter and those who register for the private visitor newsletter before January 25, 2017 have a chance to purchase a Wild Card. Apply here:

The limited and exclusive Wild Cards (contingent same as in the previous year) will be drawn among all subscribers to the gamescom private visitor newsletter. Each subscriber thereby has the chance to purchase two Wild Cards. Those with fortune on their side will receive two voucher codes, which can be used in the gamescom Ticket Shop to purchase up to two Wild Cards. Holders of Wild Cards are granted access to the entertainment area after 1:00 p.m. on the exclusive trade visitor and media day (new: Tuesday, August 22, 2017) and thus have the opportunity to try out the latest titles of the games industry prior to the opening of gamescom to everyone (August 23-26, 2017).

Newsletter subscribers will receive all information on the Wild Card promotion after registering. The prerequisite for participation in the Wild Cards draw is to have registered for the private visitor newsletter no later than January 25, 2017 at

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