Gaming Cypher

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GTA Online Double GTA$ & Double RP Featured Playlists this Weekend

Rockstar Games has announced that GTA Online will have double GTA$ & double RP Featured Playlists this weekend.

The following is taken directly from the Rockstar Newswire:

Featured Playlists are a new feature recently added to GTA Online allowing players on all consoles to launch directly into a Rockstar Created Featured Playlist of GTA Online action with just one button press. We’ll be regularly rotating this Playlist to give you a varied lineup of fun Jobs to get your teeth into. Just look for the Featured Playlist button on the GTAV launch screens, or if you’re on PS4 you can also launch directly from the PS4 home menu using the Live Tiles feature.

And as an extra bonus this weekend (Friday, Jan 2nd through Monday, Jan 5th), we’ll be running Featured Playlists with Double GTA$ and Double RP rewards to help you move up in the world. Each Playlist will contain a Race, Deathmatch, Capture and a Last Team Standing Job to give you a four-course menu of GTA Online game modes. Additionally, we’ve carefully curated these Playlists so that the Races are for Sports or Muscle car classes to help you take advantage of the four new vehicles released with the GTA Online Festive Surprise: Slam Van, Hot Rod Christmas Ratloader, and the Massacro and Jester Race liveries. Players on Xbox One and PS4 will have access to four up-to-30 player Jobs in each Playlist. Read on for info about the Jobs in the special Double GTA$ & Double RP Featured Playlists.

Teaming up to halt an invading truck in Frigit Factory LTS.

Double GTA$ Featured Playlist for Xbox One and PS4 – Jan 2nd – 5th

 First Base
Troops have been mobilized to deal with an outbreak of charitable giving in downtown Los Santos, leaving Fort Zancudo with just a skeleton crew, and you with the opportunity for some opportunistic slaughter on a grand scale. It may be the biggest airbase in the state, but it can still feel claustrophobic with 30 industrious maniacs crawling all over it in search of each other’s blood.

 On the GOH
The first time you almost plunge off a cliff, you’ll forget about the stunning views and start to concentrate on the road. Dozens of hysterical city-dwellers compete for a small patch of asphalt in this long lap race for sports cars on the Great Ocean Highway and Banham Canyon.

Fridgit Factory LTS   
Like every other great American industry, it’s only a matter of time before organized crime is outsourced to China, too. Celebrate home-grown violence while you still can with this two team LTS around the old factory sector of La Mesa. Whichever team controls the choke points and rooftops has the advantage.

 GTA: Grass is Greener 
Like many Americans, you bought an RV only to discover that you hate being close to nature and your family. Luckily, it doubles as a mobile weed silo, and there’s a bunch of hillbillies who need your services. One team gets to transport four tons of bespoke plant life from Braddock Farm to a local scrapyard, while the other team tries to intercept it and make it their own. First team with three vans back at base gets to start a traditional Blaine County bonfire.

Double GTA$ Featured Playlist for Xbox 360 and PS3 – Jan 2nd – 5th

 Vespucci Shoreline
Isn’t it time some minds got blown at Vespucci by something other than medical marijuana? A large, open Deathmatch in and around the facilities of Vespucci Beach with little cover

 Hit The Apex – created by ZigMeister666
A Verified Race from several months back, Hit The Apex provides the perfect opportunity to check out the new Massacro (Livery) and Jester (Livery) and to see how those new paint jobs look when you’re drifting around downtown Los Santos.

Paleto Bay – Tank LTS
Some places get all the luck. Two teams face off with tanks and explosives and don’t mind if they turn the whole town to rubble. Who’ll be left standing in what’s left of Paleto Bay?

 Contend: Townhall Trinity
Three packages, two teams, one town hall. Albeit the fanciest town hall in Los Santos. If you control Rockford Hills, you control the money, and you control the city, so get the packages back to your base.

Related: GTA Online Best Drifting Cars Video

Source: Rockstar Newswire

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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