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Guild of Dungeoneering on Mobile New Pirates Cove Expansion Pack Coming Aug. 30

Guild of Dungeoneering on Mobile New Pirates Cove Expansion Pack Coming Aug. 30

DLC Available to Early Adopters for FREE Before Planned Price Increase

DUBLIN, Ireland – August 16th, 2016 – “Independent developer Gambrinous, in partnership with indie publishing powerhouse Versus Evil, has announced the release of their first expansion pack to the distinctive role-playing game (RPG) Guild of Dungeoneering for mobile and tablet. The Pirate’s Cove Adventure Pack, which will be FREE for gamers who have already bought the game and those that buy it before this update, includes 30% more game with a brand new pirate themed region complete with 3 new dungeoneer classes to quest with, 23 new monsters to defeat and 27 new items to equip. Pirate’s Cove is part of the main game, Guild of Dungeoneering available on the App Store and Google Play.

“I have been chomping at the bit to launch Guild of Dungeoneering on mobile since we signed up with Gambrinous.” said Versus Evil GM Steve Escalante.  “Having already experienced success last year with the PC version, the team has been working hard to make this a great mobile experience and they have succeeded.  It’s a mobile game that is well worth the money and allows you to play it anytime, anywhere, without internet connection.  With the added value of an amazing soundtrack to listen to while you play we know it will be a wonderful addition for fans of RPGs and card games.”

Guild of Dungeoneering turns traditional dungeon crawling on its head by putting a new spin on classic game play – rather than controlling a dungeoneer, players build their dungeon around him (or indeed her). Using a random deck of cards, players can expand the dungeon and strategically place loot and monsters to lure their dungeoneer in the direction they want him to go.  When their dungeoneer confronts a monster (either willingly or not), battle lines are drawn and the victor will be decided on how cunning a player is with the hand that’s been dealt to them.  Pirate’s Cove adds to this base level game experience and touches each of these systems; regions to explore, new dungeoneer classes, new items, monsters and guild growth.

Over time, as players collect enough gold and gain more experience, they will be able to build out their own Guild by adding rooms to attract more-powerful adventurers and unlock better weapons and special cards for their Guild deck all in the name of fame and fortune.

For more information about Guild of Dungeoneering, visit

Guild of Dungeoneering’s blend of card game and dungeon crawling is currently available on iOS  and Android devices, for $3.99. The price of the game plus the new Pirates Cove Expansion Pack will increase by $1 on a date to be announced.

Related: New Swashbuckling Adventures Await in the Guild of Dungeoneering Expansion Pack

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