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Happy’s Humble Burger Farm Review for Nintendo Switch

The game, Happy’s Humble Burger Farm, (which initially released in 2021) was officially released on the Nintendo Switch recently. This game, developed by the Scythe Dev Team and published by tinyBuild, is a horror game where you run a burger place, giving people their correct orders on time. However, if you mess up anything at all while running your burger place, chaos ensues. I believe that people who do enjoy these kinds of games will also have fun playing this one.

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm Review for Nintendo Switch


The gameplay for Happy’s Humble Burger Farm has the player working at a fast food burger joint. The player will have to make the orders the customers ask for while making sure they do not fall behind. At first, it would seem like the player is just playing a fast food simulator and not really a horror game. The horror aspect doesn’t come in until the player messes up (and the player will mess up a lot). Once the player messes up, the game starts to basically terrorize them. One example would be that random people would start appearing while the player would be working. If they come into contact with them, their screen would start to glitch out. Of course, there are many other things that the game does to terrorize the player, but players can figure out what those things are themselves.

When the player is not working at the burger farm, they can explore the city and start to learn about what is happening to them and why they are getting terrorized. One issue I had while playing Happy’s Humble Burger Farm, was that there was very little instruction on how to play the game. Of course, the game had tutorials. The first tutorial in the beginning taught the player how to make a burger and about what would happen if they did something wrong. However, it feels like they never really teach the players the controls of the game. Of course, players can look at the controls in the pause menu, so the game will give them the controls. To me, I feel like it would be better if the game taught you the controls, but in the end, the player can still learn the controls, so it’s not that bad. Overall, the gameplay mainly consists of 2 parts. 1 part is the player working at a burger joint and praying that they don’t mess anything up and the second part exploring the town to figure out what is going on.

Final thoughts

Overall, Happy’s Humble Burger Farm is a game where doing everything perfectly will save you, while messing up and being a human being (which we all are) will cause you to be terrorized endlessly until you stop making mistakes. While I do not enjoy playing this type of game, I believe that if you are the kind of person that likes to traumatize themselves, then this game is most likely one for you.


Check Out the Happy’s Humble Burger Farm Switch Launch Trailer:

For more information on Happy’s Humble Burger Farm, visit:

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