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Igrasil Studio Launches Bloody Chronicles Visual Novel on Kickstarter

Igrasil Studio Launches Bloody Chronicles Visual Novel on Kickstarter

Igrasil Studio has launched Bloody Chronicles Visual Novel on Kickstarter.

Once the campaign is successfully funded ($30,000), the developer will use the extra money to create stretch goals such as full English voice acting at $50,000 and other elements such as Japanese voice acting and other scenarios.The whole series will consist of 3 installments; the first part is “Act 1 – New Cycle of Death” will be release in March 2017. The developer is aiming for the length of the entire series to consist of 80 hours of gameplay, where the player will be able to make different decisions that will affect the ending. Like in most visual novels, the player will be able to establish close relationships with the series’ characters and get to know their personal stories.

In addition, Bloody Chronicles has been Greenlit on Steam.

Related: Bloody Chronicles Visual Novel Now on Steam Greenlight

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