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Join SpeedRunners as They Fight Cancer with Help of YouTubers

In a press release sent to Gaming Cypher, developer tinyBuild announced that it will be fighting cancer with help of YouTubers in the game of SpeedRunners.

Next week we’re doing something special.

We’ll be putting on another King of Speed tournament to raise money for charity, with the help of some guest-stars.

A couple of months ago we had this idea. The idea that cancer sucks. And we should do something about it, with speed and running!

SpeedRunners became popular in large part because of Youtubers. Why not put them in the game and create a charity campaign? We spent the last few months creating SpeedRunners characters based on Youtube celebrities. We will put them into 2 teams (4 in each), and sell as 2 DLC packs.

The 2 teams will face-off with each other in King of Speed tournament. You can support your team by playing as your favorite character from the DLC, or as the team leader (SpeedRunner or The Falcon) from the current roster.

The Teams!
Each team DLC will cost $2.99

  • #TeamSpeedRunner:
  • PewDiePie
  • Strippin
  • Dodger
  • CinamonToastKen
  • #TeamFalcon:
  • Markiplier
  • JesseCox
  • UberHaxorNova
  • PeanutButterGamer

The proceeds from the winning team’s DLC will be donated to cancer research. And from there on we will donate 30% from all DLC proceeds to the same cause. Because screw cancer.

What is King of Speed?
King of Speed is an in-game tournament between the characters of SpeedRunners. The first one was held in December 2013 and featured an ARG, the culmination of which revealed Game Modifiers.

In the first King of Speed, we counted wins of individual characters for a month, and in the end Cosmo was crowned as King Cosmo and wore a crown for a month in-game.

This time The Falcon faces off with SpeedRunner in an ultimate showdown of Speed and Running. And they are backed up by teams of Youtubers to help! We will count the cumulative number of wins per team.

Do I need to buy the DLC to participate?
No, you can support your team by playing as either The Falcon or SpeedRunner.

How long will the King of Speed 2 run?

It will run for a month starting from October 20th (Monday), ending on November 20th (Thursday).

Which charity are you donating money to?
This is something we’re figuring out with the help of experienced parties like Humble Bundle. We will announce the charity and total amount raised at the end of King of Speed.
What’s the DLC price?
$2.99 per pack of 4, so less than $1 per character
Why cancer research?
Personal statement from Alex Nichiporchik (CEO @tinyBuild): 

Screw cancer. It took the lives of countless people in my family, and almost took mine. I believe with the popularity of SpeedRunners we can make a difference to advance its research. Life is short, so let’s do something impactful while we can.

Let us know if you’ll be joining the fight.

Related: SpeedRunners Chicken Run Video

Source: Press Release


  • Galit Gordon

    I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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