Here comes another one of the puzzle platformer games from Square Enix Montreal, a fun game as we play as Lara Croft, the known archaeologist-adventurer from Tomb Raider series. Lara Croft Go is one of the games in the Go series, which came almost around the same time as previous ones, i.e., on Android and iPhones, and now they have been officially ported to the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita systems as well.
Lara Croft Go is a platformer puzzle solver game, providing some interesting levels and mobs and bosses. The game basically starts with the player starting to go through a jungle-like scenario and we are trying to find a way out of the area, but in more of a platformer way. Let’s discuss the different features in more detail.
Starting with the story, it is basically us playing as Lara Croft and we are trying to find the secret of the archaeological caves. Once we clear the first area, we must go through and find different keys, to open the door to the Atlas. But there are creatures down in the caves which keep us from moving into certain parts of the area. And, we must find the way by solving and using the things around in the whole area. The game had me fight snakes, salamanders, spiders, and a giant snake as well.
Gameplay is basically simple in terms of controls; we just have a few simple controls, and single step movement. Every direction we move, the player just moves one step towards the direction, but the game seems to be a bit isometric. I did found trouble moving the character and died because of that. But once you get used to it, it is all good. We have javelin to throw towards an enemy two blocks away from us. And different switches and prop blocks which we move around.
The game has a good achievements and treasure collection. There are rubies and parts of different relics hiding in each area, and if we are successful in finding all the pieces of jewels or treasure relic, we get different outfits for Lara Croft. Earlier treasures are easy to spot but the late game treasures are the real deal in finding them. The graphics of this game are pretty much low poly but the colors and everything else is really interesting.
The music in the background is perfectly synchronized in a way which lets us know if we are going to be in trouble or are we just doing some simple puzzle solving without any enemies. And the best part of the game was the last boss fight and the escape part, where we have to think quick and figure out how to get out of the place.
I do think this game is really well made and gives you some tough time in figuring out the solution if you are not a puzzle freak yourself, but on top of that this game is really fun and quick in terms of gameplay length. I would definitely like to give this game 8.5 stars out of 10.
Here is the Lara Croft GO Gameplay Trailer #1:
And, here is the Lara Croft GO Gameplay Trailer #2:
Lara Croft GO is available now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita systems and on Steam, featuring all of the original content with the ‘Mirror of Spirits’ story chapter following three months later. Additional platforms will be discussed at a later date.
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