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Legend of Arcadieu 2 Review for Steam

Legend of Arcadieu 2 Review for Steam

The Legend of Arcadieu 2, developed and published by Kavorkaplay, is a sexy RPG adventure set in a magical world. This game is filled with beautiful and colorful art and graphics, with an anime-style imagery that is brought to life in full color. It follows a funny storyline with several RPG tropes, 25+ fully illustrated scenes, and two completely different routes to choose from. Leslie, the hacker daughter of the game creator, comes into Arcadieu to kick it up a notch, which would include changing all of the settings in the game to a more digitalized and robotic atmosphere, with an immersive narrative and techno-infused elements and characters. 

In the path that I chose (although I didn’t know there were different paths; I don’t remember being offered a choice), Leslie almost succeeds in taking over Arcadieu, and is even successful in turning Sophie, one of the original characters that’s introduced in the game, into Sophietron 2.0. However, at the last minute, another character, Trish, steps in and takes Leslie out with her sword that was made to eliminate anomalies within Arcadieu. 

Legend of Arcadieu 2 Review for Steam

I don’t know how the other path plays out, but after that, the game ended. I would really like to see more storyline to the game after that, I didn’t feel as if I received enough gameplay in-game to be fully immersed. I was also not offered that many choices of my own to make within the game. The Legend of Arcadieu 2 mostly went along with the storyline and led itself, without much interjection from the hero of the game (the character you play), who was mostly just interested in the romance aspect with each of the girls he was involved with in the game.  

Legend of Arcadieu 2 Review for Steam

My favorite part of The Legend of Arcadieu 2, however, was probably the graphics, which presented as a sort of visual novel throughout the entirety of it. There were no visible glitches that I could tell and the gameplay was pretty straightforward. The soundtrack also had an anime-esque quality to it, with little giggles for laughs and other cute sounds from the characters and enemies. It did shift to a more ominous tone when something bad was about to happen, particularly because of the changes Leslie was attempting to make to the game. Overall, this isn’t a bad game, I just would like more of a plot and more interaction in the game, other than NPCs throughout most of it. Being able to shift into more pathways as the players choices advance and differ would greatly improve my view and gameplay of The Legend of Arcadieu 2. Right now, I would still give this game a score of 9 out of 10.  

Check Out The Legend of Arcadieu 2 Trailer:

The Legend of Arcadieu 2 is available for $4.99 for Windows PC via Steam.

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