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LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Review for Steam

LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Review for Steam

Playing Life is Strange 2 is a delightfully strange adventure that I highly recommend all gamers to pursue, no matter their preferred genre. While making their way through this explosively realistic story-oriented game, players will discover how their own morals can impact others. Although the graphics are moderate, the captivating plot makes up for this loss.

LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Review for Steam

Worry not, there’s no need to play the first Life is Strange game to understand the concept or story of Life is Strange 2. The only thing that matters is whether players are ready for some entertaining and difficult decision making. Although at first some decisions appear silly, every choice players make will have a clear consequence. Early on players are warned of a small butterfly effect: every choice you make will affect your brother as well. With this in mind, that doesn’t mean players should choose according to how they believe the game will turn out. Instead, players should go with their gut and choose based upon their own instincts. If you would prefer to fight instead of fleeing, then choose that option! The player shouldn’t alter their decisions to fit the game’s outcome, they should always follow their heart.

LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Review for Steam

The plot of Life is Strange 2 is unforgiving. Because of the realistic scenarios -though strange and outlandish- players will feel remorseful for these fictional characters who end up stranded and essentially helpless at every turn. When seeing the protagonists venturing off into their journey, I couldn’t help but feel something for these fictional heroes. After all, their character development had been made from a structure of dependency, reliability, and comfort which made me recall my own loved ones. By building such a strong foundation, it escalates Life is Strange 2 into an unstoppable force. Even with graphics that were only adequate, I would say their attention to smaller details and the intricate story made up for that letdown. If players take time to investigate their surroundings they will find some important information that may help them on their journey like newspaper clippings or trail markings. So, remember to keep your eyes open at all times.

LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Review for Steam

The focus of the game orients towards the story so the controls are simple and self-explanatory (AWSD, point-click). Because of the minimalistic nature, I was eager to begin playing and could not wait to see what this highly sought-after game was all about! I warn to those unfamiliar with choose-your-own-adventure games like Life is Strange 2, the cut-scenes and film clips will occupy a large amount of a player’s time because they are so story-oriented. Worry not, these are not only relevant to the game, but they are so well-crafted that players will appreciate their inclusion.

LIFE IS STRANGE 2 Review for Steam

Even if story-oriented, choose-your-own-adventure games aren’t your cup of tea, I still suggest taking a refreshing sip of Life is Strange 2. The controls are minimalistic, the cut-scenes are cinema-worthy, and the dialogue is both troublesome and hysterical. I have few complaints regarding this game and in all honesty, I would not disregard Life is Strange 2 as one of the best games of 2018. If you’re willing to witness some controversial topics and juggle tough decisions, go to the STEAM store and pour yourself a nice glass of Life is Strange 2.

Score: 8.8/10

Take a Look at the Life is Strange 2 Launch Trailer:

Life is Strange 2 is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC via Steam.

About The Author

Steam Review
  • 8.8/10
    Overall Score - 8.8/10
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