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Light Fairytale 3D JRPG Needs Your Support on Kickstarter and Steam Greelight

Light Fairytale 3D JRPG Needs Your Support on Kickstarter and Steam Greelight

Developer Neko Works would like your support on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight for their new 3D JRPG Light Fairytale.

Light Fairytale is a 3D turn-based Japanese-style RPG set in a dying underground world ruled by a fierce empire. Inspired by classics such as Final Fantasy 7 and Breath of Fire 5.

The game starts with the main character Haru dreaming of vast green plains and a clear blue sky. A scenery he is not supposed to have ever seen, as the world he lives in is deep underground.  After confronting with the soldiers who rule this dark society, he will embark on a great adventure discovering the mysteries of the world; Teaming with many allies, including a mysterious, silver haired girl that is key to his quest.

Here is the official Light Fairytale Kickstarter video:

You can support Light Fairytale on Kickstarter right now. The game is slated to release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in 2017. You can find the playable demo on Kickstarter and here

You can also help get Light Fairytale on Steam by voting for it on Steam Green Light.

About is a one person indie game studio from France, making modern nostalgic tributes to some of the greatest retro classics.  Previously released by the studio was the arcade racing game Super Night Riders, now available on Steam.

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